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Will of William Kempson
Broadway, England - 1835

(Grandfather of Sarah Stanley Bishop, daughter of Mary Stanley)

This is the last will and testament of me, William Kempson, of Broadway, in the County of Worcester, "Stonemason." My Executrix shall pay my just debts.

To my beloved wife Elizabeth all my Messuages, Cottages or Tenements. Now in my own occupation and in the occupation of my several tenants, lying in Broadway, aforesaid. Also to her all my Household goods etc.

Unto my son William Kempson the house wherein I now inhabit, and my two newly erected cottages in the tenures of Richard Folkes and William Home.

Unto my grandson William Kempson son of my said son William Kempson, my house wherein I now dwell, to him raid his heirs for ever.

Unto my granddaughter Mary Kempson, daughter of my said son William Kempson, the aforesaid house now in the occupation of William Horne.

Unto my granddaughter Ann Kempson daughter of my said son William the aforesaid house now in the occupation of the said Richard Folkes.

Unto my son George Kempson, the house in which he now dwells, and on his death to my Grandson James Kempson, another son of my said son William Kempson.

Unto my son George Kempson all that building situate on the south side of the street in Broadway which I bought of Nathan Griffiths, now in the tenure of Peter Grinnell.

In case my son George shall attain 60 years, my son William or his heirs shall pay to him the sum of 5 pounds every year.

Unto my daughter Mary Stanley, widow, all that messuage known by the name of Bloxom's house, which I purchased of John Davis, situate on the north side of the street in Broadway, now in the occupation of my said daughter Mary and my said son William. If she marry again, I give the last mentioned messuage to my two Grandsons George Kempson Stanley and William Stanley sons of my said daughter Mary Stanley. And whereas there is no convenient place on the premises now in the occupation of my said son George for the purpose of depositing Lime or other Materials belonging to his business, I order my son George if he should be so minded, to erect a shed etc. I appoint my wife Elisabeth Kempson sole executrix and residuary, and my good friends Mr. William Collett Druggist, and my kinsman John Davis, both of Broadway, trustees.

Dated 14 June 1833

Witnesses: William Kempson   Richard Phipps   John Hopkins

Proved 10 October 1835

Testator died on or about the first day of May 1835.

Last Updated: September 22, 2024  
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